Dylan Tabang proudly shows his work, from the Li Lab
The Martell Group staying busy in the lab
The Fredrickson group busy with the diffractometer
Gongyu Li is the definition of "Passion for Research" in this photo
Hard at work in the Weix Lab
Katie and Emily, from the Coon lab, working on the MitoInteractome Project
Busy at work in the Weix Research Lab
Yusi Cui shares her work at the Li Lab with us
Xiaofang Zhong, working at the Li Lab
Dylan Holst in the Wickens lab
Alyah Chmiel in the Wickens lab
Members of the Yoon lab staying busy
Brett Schneider, from the Weix Lab
Gopalan Group in their happy place!
Daniel Salgueiro, from the Weix Lab
Zhijun Zhu, from the Li Lab
Katie and Tim of the Coon lab hard at work.
Kevin and Michelle, from the Weix Lab
What are you passionate about?
Weix lab research