At the UW-Madison Department of Chemistry, you’ll meet lots of new people who will become friends, mentors and colleagues. Working as a teaching assistant (TA) and joining a research group — each with a distinctive culture – all help you become more connected. You’ll also engage with the broader department by attending seminars, supergroup meetings, path events, and department-wide social events. Within the larger chemistry community you can also get involved in smaller groups that share more specific interests or activities. Many even offer opportunities for leadership and professional development! Check the list below to learn more about these groups and to see which offer meetings or chances to connect through the Grad Recruiting weekend and check out the photo gallery at the bottom of the page.
“Throughout your graduate career, it is important to grow your skill set beyond just chemistry. The UW-Madison Department of Chemistry offers opportunities to get involved within our community and to pursue interests in professional development while getting a PhD in chemistry.”
– Desiree Bates (Computational Chemistry Leader)
“I have felt a strong sense of community by participating in a wide range of networking and social activities—from student-faculty breakfasts to board game nights—there is a little bit of something for everyone.”
– Samantha Knott (Ge Lab)
“The GSFLC Outreach Committee provides opportunities throughout the year for students to engage the public!”
– Paige Kinsley (Hamers Lab)
Meetings are available with most of the following:
The Benzine
The Benzine is a student-led micropublication sitting at the intersection of art and chemistry, which is dedicated to cultivating the UW–Madison chemistry community. Twice a year, we publish original artistic content from graduate students, postdocs and undergraduates to celebrate the varied interests of our community.
The Catalyst program is designed to help first-year graduate students from underserved populations succeed in the chemistry graduate program at UW–Madison
Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee
The Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee (GSFLC) connects graduate students, post docs, and faculty through community events and by pursuing initiatives to benefit the department. Any student or post doc can request to join the GSFLC and serve on one of four subcommittees: Wellness, Community Building, Professional Development, and Outreach.
Meetings for this group will be in two rooms
- wellness/community building
- professional development/outreach
People of Color (POC)
Hosted by NOBCChE and SACNAS/LCC
The Latinx Cultural Center (LCC) is an intersectional, gender-inclusive Latinx community with Undergrads and Grad students.
National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) is an intersectional, gender-inclusive community of BIPOC leaders in science looking to network and support each other.
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.
Queer+ in Chemistry
Queer+ in Chem is a student-led organization that aims to build community in our department by hosting social events, seminars, and workshops that promote an inclusive campus climate for LGBTQ+ students & staff, as well as for all underrepresented groups.
Women in Chemistry
Women in Chemistry (WIC) is an organization dedicated to elevating the voices and issues associated with being women* in chemistry. Our group offers monthly programming which includes WIC coffee hours, diversity seminars, and panel discussions as a way to connect with scientists within and outside our department. Our group strives to create a platform that promotes diversity and inclusivity where all feel welcome.
* We define the word women to include any individual that identifies as a woman and/or femme, not just those AFAB.